AP DSC 2018 Notification - AP TET Cum TRT 2018 Notification | Apply Now

The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of School Assistants, Language Pandits, Physical Education Teachers, Music Teachers, Craft Teachers and Art & Drawing Teachers and Teacher Eligibility Test cum Teacher Recruitment Test (TET-cum-TRT) for the posts of Secondary Grade Teachers.

  1. School Assistants (Mathematics) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Statistics as the main subject OR one of the three equal optional subjects and a B.Ed. degree with Mathematics as a methodology subject.
  2. School Assistants (Physical Sciences) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with at least two of the following subjects as optional subjects: Physics/ Applied Physics/ Engineering Physics & Instrumentation and Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Bio-Chemistry/ Geology or Physics / its allied subjects or Chemistry / its allied subjects as one of the main subject and other as subsidiary/ ancillary subject and B.Ed. degree with Physical Science / Physics/ Chemistry/ Science as a methodology subject.
  3. School Assistants (Biological Science) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Botany and Zoology as optional subjects or one of the two as main and the other as subsidiary subject or any two of other allied subjects viz. Public Health/ Human Genetics/ Genetics / Bio-chemistry/ Environment Sciences/ Micro-biology/ Bio-Technology/ Industrial Micro-biology/ Agriculture/ Food Technology/ Fisheries/ Nutrition/ geology/ Sericulture/ Horticulture / Forestry / Poultry/General Micro-Biology optional subject-1, Chemistry optional Subject-2, Genetics, Bio-Informatics, Molecular Biology, Agricultural and Marine Bio-Technology optional Subject-3 and M.Sc. Bio-Technology 5 years integrated course and a B.Ed. Degree with Biological Science/ Natural Sciences/ Science/ Botany / Zoology/ as a methodology subject.
  4. School Assistants (Social Studies) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with any two of the following subjects as optional (or) one of them as a main and any other one as a subsidiary subject — (i) History (ii) Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology (iii) Economics (iv) Geography (v) Political Science (vi) Politics (vii) Public Administration (viii) Commerce (ix) Sociology (x) Social Work (xi) Anthropology (xii) Social Anthropology (xiii) Philosophy and (xiv) Psychology.
  5. School Assistants (English) Qualification: A Bachelor's Degree with English as the main subject (or) one of the optional subjects or a Post Graduate Degree in English and a B.Ed. Degree with English as methodology subject.
  6. School Assistants (Telugu) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Telugu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language in Telugu (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Telugu as methodology Subject or Telugu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  7. School Assistants (Hindi) Qualification: Must possess Bachelor's degree with Hindi as one of the Main subject or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language in Hindi (B.O.L) or Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha or Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad or any other equivalent recognised qualification in Hindi.
  8. School Assistants (Urdu) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Urdu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or a Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language with Urdu (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Urdu as methodology or Urdu Pandit Training or equivalent.
  9. School Assistants (Tamil) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Tamil as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language with Tamil (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Tamil as methodology or Tamil Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  10. School Assistants (Sanskrit) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Sanskrit as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language with Sanskrit (B.O.L) or its equivalent with Sanskrit as methodology or Sanskrit Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  11. School Assistants (Physical Education) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent and a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education or its equivalent or M.P.Ed.
  12. Language Pandit (Telugu) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Telugu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language in Telugu (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Telugu as methodology or Telugu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  13. Language Pandit (Hindi) Qualification: Must possess Bachelor's degree with Hindi as one of the Main subject or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language in Hindi (B.O.L) or Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha or Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad or any other equivalent recognised qualification in Hindi.
  14. Language Pandit (Urdu) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Urdu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language in Urdu (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Urdu as methodology or Urdu Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  15. Language Pandit (Tamil) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Tamil as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language with Tamil (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Tamil as methodology or Tamil Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  16. Language Pandit (Sanskrit) Qualification: Must possess a Bachelor's Degree with Sanskrit as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor's Degree in Oriental Language with Sanskrit (B.O.L) or its equivalent and B.Ed. with Sanskrit as methodology or Sanskrit Pandit Training or its equivalent.
  17. Physical Education Teachers Qualification: Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or equivalent certificate recognised by Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P. and an under graduate diploma in Physical Education (U.G. D.P.Ed.) recognised by NCTE.
  18. Music Teachers Qualification: Must pass in Intermediate Examination (Board of Intermediate Andhra Pradesh) and Must Pass in Six years Diploma Course in Music (Karnataka, Hindustani) from the Government Music and Dance Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. OR Must pass in four years Certificate Course in Music (Karnataka, Hindustani) from the Government Music and Dance Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
  19. Craft Teachers Qualification: Must pass in Intermediate Examination (Board of Intermediate Andhra Pradesh) AND Must pass in Technical Teacher Training Certificate Course- Higher examination conducted by Director Government Examinations., A.P. OR Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from any recognised University by UGC.
  20. Art & Drawing Teachers Qualification: Must pass in Intermediate Examination (Board of Intermediate Andhra Pradesh). AND must pass in Technical Teacher Training Certificate Course- Higher examination conducted by Director Government Examinations., A.P. OR Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from any recognised University by UGC.
  21. Secondary Grade Teachers Qualification: Must possess Intermediate Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other equivalent certificate recognised by Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P. and two year Diploma in Education/ Diploma in Elementary Education. Certificate issued by the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh (or) its equivalent certificate recognised by NCTE. OR Must possess a Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor's of Education.

Age Limit (As on 01/07/18): 18 - 44 years

How to Apply: Candidates can apply online only.

Important Dates:

  • Opening date for receipt of online application form: November 01, 2018
  • Closing date for receipt of online application form: November 15, 2018
  • Last date for payment of fee: November 15, 2018
  • Option of centers: November 19, 2018 to November 24, 2018
  • Online Mock Test availability: From November 17, 2018 onwards
  • Download of Hall Tickets: November 29, 2018

Date of Examination:

  • School Assistants Non-Languages: December 06, 2018, December 10, 2018
  • School Assistants Languages: December 11, 2018
  • Post Graduate Teachers: December 12, 2018 & December 13, 2018
  • Teacher Graduate Teachers and Principals: December 14, 2018 & December 26, 2018
  • PETs, Music, Crafts and Arts & Drawings: December 17, 2018
  • Languages Pandits: December 27, 2018
  • Secondary Grade Teachers: December 28, 2018 to January 02, 2019

  Web site: https://apdsc.apcfss.in/

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