JETWAYS TRAVELS (P) LTD Hiring For Sr.Executive For Experienced

About Company:
A strategic business unit of Dabur Group of Companies, Jetways Travels Pvt. Ltd. is a full-service travel management company headquartered in New Delhi, India and with full-fledged offices in Gurgaon, Pune and Mumbai. 

Jetways Travels began its journey in the year 1990 as an Airline Ticketing Agency and over the years has grown to establish itself as one of the Top 5 Full-service Travel Management Companies in India. Now in its Silver Jubilee Year, Jetways Travels boasts one of the largest travel management networks in the world with a local presence across 80 countries and accreditations by all important travel associations including TAFI, TAAI, IATA, ASTA, IATO, PATA and UFTAA.

Throughout its journey, it has maintained its record for excellence in service and its commitment to save corporations millions of rupees in their annual turnovers. Our local presence in over 80 countries gives us the leverage to source the best rates locally and providing our clients with hands-on support in their endeavours to manage their travel experiences for optimal results.


Job Role: HR Executive

Educational Qualifications:MBA/PGDM - Any Specialization, HR/Industrial Relations

Salary:As Per Company Norms

Job Description:
*Collecting application of candidates for vacant positions in the organization through various means Job Posting, Job Portals, existing database, candidate references, Employee referrals, placement consultants, campus placements, Head hunting etc. 
*Conducting First round of personal interview & arranging further round of *Interviews of shortlisted candidates with the HODs. 
*Salary negotiation, fixing of the compensation of the selected candidates. 
*Issue LOI & briefing the candidates of the joining formalities. 
*Conducting background referral checks of the candidates. 
*Briefing the new employee about the company & its policies. 
*Responsible for joining formalities and arranging all required items like *Mobile, Official SIM card, Business Cards, Employee ID & official mail ID. 
*Issuing Appointment Letters. 
*Creating & maintaining the personal files of the employees.
*Opening of Salary bank Account.
*Maintaining records of daily attendance, absenteeism, late comings, early leavings & leave records of all the employees. 
*Ensure clearance forms/ exit interview documents are forwarded to finance department for the Full & Final Settlements.
*Giving orders for Printing of all kinds of items like Business Cards, Letter heads, Receipt Books, Envelopes etc as & when required. 
*Handling employee grievances of employees & ensure quick resolution of the same. 
*Sending birthdays & tenure mails. 
*Organizing Parties on several Occasions like Festivals, arranging Official trips, Camps etc 

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates apply this position in online as soon as possible (before the link expires)


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