Top 5 dream jobs: Time to live it up

Dream jobs aren't fictional. They do exist!

Here's a list of dream jobs you will fight to the end for.

1. Professional sleeper

Yes, you heard it right, sleeping as a profession. Professional sleepers are paid to sleep for scientific studies or even for NASA. For people who can count sleeping as one of their hobbies, in the professional sleeping business that's actually a good thing.

2. Island caretaker

Tourism Queensland created 'The Best Job in the World' and they weren't lying. The contest winner, Ben Southall, took care of an island in the Great Barrier Reef all the while writing a blog to promote the area. Not only was it beneficial to Australia in terms of tourism but it was even better for Ben. He received a good salary, free stay in a luxury villa and free transport to areas in and around the surrounding islands.

3. Mystery shopper

For people who enjoy shopping and feel like they fall short of cash every time, this is the job for you. The mystery shopper is paid to shop by the brand whose outlet they are going to. The shopper behaves like a normal customer and after the shopping records their experience in an objective questionnaire.

4. Tea taster

All you need to do is taste over 200 cups of tea day and be knowledgeable about every tea imaginable. The taster also gets to travel all over the world to test new teas. All those who have been told that they drink or talk too much about tea, please consider.

5. Netflix tagger

Probably one of the coolest jobs on earth for series buffs. Find yourself always binge-watching shows and always having watched just one more episode than your friend? If the answer is yes, being a Netflix tagger should be your next job. All that the tagger is required to do is watch a show and enter keywords into a system describing the show which makes it easier for users to find a show using those words. Who doesn't want to be a tagger?

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